Bent Creek Title Lending

Title Loans in Killeen, Texas

When you get turned down for a loan at the bank and you are desperate for money, it can be embarrassing and depressing. It is hard to get loan approval with a low credit score these days. Fortunately, there is a better way to get money without going through an awkward scene. Bent Creek Title Lending does not rely on credit scores for approving loans. You won't be asked whether you have good credit, and we won't pull your credit information. You see, we don't need to because vehicle title loans are secured using car titles, so credit isn't important. You'll have to be the registered owner of a working automobile and hold a lien free title. A little income is also required to meet loan criteria requirements. No doubt, you can probably pass these requirements, so you could easily qualify. Loan funds are dispersed within 24 hours of applying, so you can depend on Bent Creek Title Lending if you are in a big hurry for cash.

The Simple Application Process for Title Loans Killeen

Do You Have What It Takes for Applying?

  • If you are interested in a loan, you'll need to meet the federal age requirements. This means, you will need to confirm you are 18 with your driver's license or a Texas identification card.
  • Whether you choose a short-term loan or one that will be paid over time, you'll still need to show us a paycheck stub or another type of document, which substantiates you have a source of money coming in monthly.
  • Bent Creek Title Lending does not make you bring in your car for an inspection, but you'll need the car title to show you have a vehicle, which can be used as collateral. You will need to submit a title at the loan closing. Titles should not list lien holders, and the vehicle title must show your name as the vehicle owner.
  • Any vehicle considered for loan collateral must be functional and able to be driven on city streets.

Where Do I Apply for Title Loans Killeen?

We hope to make applying as hassle free as possible for customers, so we provide you with three options to apply for auto title loans.

  • If you live near one of our local stores, we would love to meet you and help you to complete a simple application.
  • It isn't necessary for us to meet you, so whenever you have time, you can call in your application data over the phone.
  • You can also apply any time it's convenient with our online loan application.

Instant Loan Quotes

Regardless of where you decide to apply, you will get an instant loan quote within just a few minutes of applying. This is a basic loan offer that gives you a general idea of how much money you stand to receive, which is primarily based on your vehicle's value.

Short Application Forms

Undoubtedly, most folks applying for title loans Killeen are surprised and delighted when they see our tiny, little application form. You can complete the application in a matter of minutes with:

  • Telephone number, name, zip code.
  • Year of your vehicle, mileage estimate and the make, model and the body style.

Discovering Advantages About Auto Title Loans

  • No upfront fees to apply for title loans Killeen. We never charge application fees, so customers have an opportunity to learn more about our lending process.
  • Bad credit can't be used against consumers shopping for a loan. Credit reports are never accessed or used in the qualifying process.
  • If you are following your repayment schedule carefully and making timely payments, you can continue to use your vehicle as always.
  • Upfront loan estimates help to reduce stress for potential borrowers and keep you informed.
  • As an added bonus, borrowers with secured title loans may receive a lower interest rate and a larger loan offer.
  • Borrowers have the opportunity to customize loan repayment plans to make it easier to fulfill payment obligations.
  • An approved borrower has the right to spend their funds on bills, dental services, repairs, vacations or anything they want.

How the Title Loan Process Works at Bent Creek Title Lending

How Much Cash Can I Get for My Car?

The amount of cash you can hope to receive from a vehicle title loan is dependent on the value of your car. Therefore, if your automobile is in fairly good condition and hasn't been wrecked, you might qualify for hundreds of dollars. Newer vehicles almost always have the highest loan pay outs because they are newer and have less miles, so loan amounts may be worth thousands of dollars.

Secured Loans Require Collateral

To avoid the need for credit checks all together, our loans must be secured with an automobile title. You simply turn in your title and we'll complete the paperwork to place a lien on the vehicle. The lien stays in place until Bent Creek Title Lending receives the final loan pay off.

Loan Consultations Over the Phone

We don't see any need to have face-to-face meetings with customers to answer just a few questions for qualifying. You'll receive a call from one of our agents who will provide a detailed overview of the loan process, qualify your earnings and help you to pick a loan repayment package.

Legal Requirements for Car Title Loans

To summarize agreements made over the phone and meet regulations for auto title loans, we provide each approved borrower with a customized loan agreement. These are contracts, which stipulate the length of the loan, the amount of money to be financed, payment amounts, payment due dates, applicable fees and the rate and the amount of money you'll be paying for interest. To review and sign contracts, borrowers must meet at a nearby loan store.

Where & When Do I Get My Loan Funds?

After signing your agreement at the store, you receive your loan funds.

Get the cash you need today, the easy way, with title loans Killeen.


803 Santa Rosa Dr Killeen, Texas 76541 (254) 242-0555